It is common for automotive compressor body's to be be above 150F. Hot to touch is subjective, however let's assume:Īlthough having your finger resting on a hot metal compressor is not quite like having it submerge in water, let's say anything above 150F is hot to the touch.
A) Your system was clean before the install, meaning no debris in the system that might cause issues with the compressor internally excessive friction, lack of oil flow.ī) Your system pressures are normal, meaning at idle you are seeing a low side range of 25-35 psi, your high side pressure is normal, and it will vary based on the ambient temperature (you have the PT chart).Ĭ) Your evaporator outlet is cold to sweating.ĭ) You toss your gauges back on the car and confirm your low and high side pressures are normal.